婚姻新条例。第一条 为了保护婚姻自由、促进婚姻和家庭和睦,规范婚姻关系,维护社会稳定,制定本条例。第二条 婚姻自由是宪法保障的基本权利。任何男女均有结婚的自由,不受种族、民族、宗教以及社会地位的限制。第三条 婚姻应当根据男女双方自愿、平等、自主的原则进行,应当遵循真爱、诚信、维护家庭和睦的原则。禁止包办、买卖婚姻。第四条 国家对于家庭婚姻关系实行优先保护和支持政策,建立健全家庭婚姻调解、婚姻法律援助和婚姻教育等机制,促进婚姻和家庭和睦,营造良好的家庭和谐社会氛围。第五条 国家鼓励家庭成员根据家庭实际情况对财产进行公正合理的分配,并且对于共同财产、共同债务、子女抚养等方面进行适当的约定和协商。第六条 国家保护婚姻关系中弱势群体的合法权益,保障女性、儿童、老年人等特殊群体的合法权益。第七条 国家对于侵犯婚姻自由、家庭和睦,破坏社会稳定的行为实行严格打击和惩处。第八条 本条例自公布之日起生效。婚姻法全文。第一章 总则。第一条 为了维护婚姻家庭的稳定,促进社会主义家庭文明的建设,保护妇女、儿童和老年人的合法权益,遵循宪法的基本原则,制定本法。第二条 婚姻法所称婚姻,是男女双方基于自愿、真爱、平等、自主的原则,依法缔结的合法家庭关系。第三条 婚姻自由是依法保障的基。
以下是英文版的中国最新婚姻法全文:。Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China。Adopted at the Third Session of the Fifth National People's Congress on September 10, 1980。Revised at the Fifth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress on April 28, 2001。Contents。Chapter I General Principles。Chapter II Marriage Registration。Chapter III Family Relations。Chapter IV Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, Children and Old People。Chapter V Legal Liabilities。Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions。Chapter I General Principles。Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution to protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties to marriage, to promote the progressive development of socialist families, and to promote social progress.。Article 2 A marriage system based on the free choice of partners, on monogamy and on equality between man and woman shall be implemented.。Article 3 The lawful rights and interests of women, children and old people shall be protected in marriage and family relations.。Article 4 The State shall carry out family planning to improve the quality of the population.。Article 5 The lawful rights and interests of persons who have contracted a marriage shall be protected.。Article 6 A marriage shall be established only with the free and full consent of both parties of the man and the woman.。Article 7 The lawful rights and interests of sons and daughters and other relatives shall be protected in accordance with law.。Article 8 The State shall carry out education on family planning, promote the ethical concepts of upholding the sanctity of marriage and family, and encourage the observance of the law and social morality in marriage and family relations.。Chapter II Marriage Registration。Article 9 A couple, when registering for marriage, shall appear together in person at the marriage registration office, set out their personal information and make a registration in accordance with the marriage registration regulations.。Article 10 Persons who have reached the age of marriage prescribed by law shall have the right to marry.。Article 11 A marriage may not be contracted between parties of whom one party is already married, nor may a marriage be contracted between closely related parties of collateral kinship up to the third degree of kinship.。Article 12 A marriage may not be contracted between parties who suffer from illnesses which are considered by medical science to be inappropriate for marriage.。Article 13 The marriage registration office shall not register a marriage which does not meet the legal requirements.。Article 14 The parties to a marriage shall protect the lawful rights and interests of each other, respect each other and help each other.。Article 16 A husband and wife shall have the duty to practice family planning, and shall not have any children in excess of the number prescribed by law.。Chapter III Family Relations。Article 17 The parties to a marriage shall have the right to of residence and domicile, and the right to choose their occupation, or profession, and the right to acquire property independently.。Article 18 A husband and wife shall have the right to the joint management of the household and shall share the household chores.。Article 19 The husband shall have the duty。
消息。中国国家卫生健康委员会已经公布了一项婚姻新条例,将于2023年1月1日起实施。该条例将涉及以下方面:。1. 婚姻登记:为保障婚姻登记的公平性和合法性,条例要求婚姻登记应当遵循“真实意愿、自愿原则”,并加强对逼迫、欺骗、贿赂等行为的打击和惩处。2. 婚姻年龄:为保障未成年人的权益和健康成长,条例规定男女结婚的年龄应分别为22岁和20岁,未满法定婚龄者不得结婚。如果有特殊情况需要提前结婚,需经过法定程序和审批,属于保障未成年人的权益和利益的情况方可批准。3. 婚姻禁忌关系:为保障婚姻的稳定和和谐,条例规定近亲属、已婚者、同性、多人、异地等关系不得结婚。4. 婚姻登记的程序:为便利婚姻登记和提高效率,条例规定婚姻登记的程序应当简明、规范、快捷,同时应当优化服务、保护隐私。5. 婚姻登记的费用:为降低婚姻登记的经济成本和防止贪污,条例规定婚姻登记的费用应当公开透明,合理合法,不得超标收费。以上是2023年婚姻登记条例的最新消息,为保障婚姻的公正、稳定和和谐,所有的条例都应当得到广泛的支持和遵守。