1. 婚姻家庭指导日志。日期:2021年10月1日。地点:家庭咨询中心。对象:夫妻。内容:婚姻矛盾。咨询人夫妻因为家务分配问题产生了矛盾,妻子觉得自己承担了大部分家务,而且丈夫经常不按时回家,导致家务更加累。丈夫则认为妻子太计较,不应该把家务分得那么清楚。我通过了解他们的家庭情况和个性特点,告诉他们家务分配应该是适应双方生活方式的,而不是简单地按照性别或时间来划分。同时,夫妻之间应该相互体谅,把家庭看作是共同的责任和贡献。最后,我们还谈到了沟通的重要性,相互倾听和理解,才能缓解矛盾和改善婚姻关系。2. 婚姻与家庭辅导心得体会。在婚姻家庭辅导中,我们需要充分发挥自己的专业知识和技能,同时也需要与受助者建立良好的沟通关系和信任感,让他们能够真正地倾诉和接受建议。另外,我们还需要注重培养受助者的自我调适和解决问题的能力,让他们在面对婚姻矛盾时能够自主地思考和解决问题,而不是依赖于外在的支持和干预。最后,我们还需要不断更新自己的知识和经验,跟上时代的步伐,适应世界不断变化的婚姻家庭模式和问题,为受助者提供更加科学、专业和有效的婚姻家庭指导。
Date: January 1st, 2021。Couple: John and Jane。Session Summary:。I met with John and Jane for their first marriage counseling session. They have been married for 5 years and have two children together. The couple expressed that they have been having communication issues and feel distant from each other. During the session, we worked on active listening skills and creating a safe space for open communication. I also suggested that they practice setting aside time each week to have a designated "date night" where they can focus solely on each other and their relationship. We scheduled our next session for the following week.。Date: January 8th, 2021。Couple: John and Jane。Session Summary:。During our second session, John and Jane reported that they have been implementing the communication techniques we discussed and have been having productive conversations. However, they expressed that they are struggling to reconnect romantically. We talked about the importance of physical touch and intimacy in a relationship and I suggested some exercises they could do to increase their physical connection. We also talked about the importance of expressing gratitude towards each other and focusing on the positive aspects of their relationship. We scheduled our next session for the following month.。Date: February 12th, 2021。Couple: John and Jane。Session Summary:。John and Jane reported that they have been continuing to implement the techniques we discussed and are feeling more connected in their relationship. They also shared that they have been experiencing some financial stress and this has been causing tension in their relationship. We talked about the importance of open and honest communication about financial issues and I suggested that they create a budget together and set goals for their future finances. We also discussed the importance of self-care and taking care of their individual needs in order to be able to show up fully for their relationship. We scheduled our next session for the following month.。Date: March 19th, 2021。Couple: John and Jane。Session Summary:。During this session, John and Jane reported that they have been feeling more connected and are seeing improvements in their relationship. However, they expressed that they have been having some disagreements about parenting styles. We discussed the importance of coming to a mutual agreement about parenting and being on the same page. We also talked about setting boundaries with extended family and prioritizing their immediate family's needs. I suggested that they read some books on parenting together and attend some parenting workshops or classes. We scheduled our next session for the following month.。Date: April 23rd, 2021。Couple: John and Jane。Session Summary:。