



这个梗出自游戏《最终幻想14》里对战士的搞笑调侃,因为四个坦的智力只有战士最低。智力是生物一般性的能力,这种能力让我们能认识、理解客观事物,并运用知识和经验解决问题。衡量智力高低的标准,便是智商,Intelligence Quotient。

国际上有许多测试个人智商的智力量表,下面这三道智商测试题,你都能答对吗?Developed in 2005 by Princeton psychologist Shane Frederick, the quiz assesses your ability to process information slowly and rationally, rather than jumping to quick conclusions.这项测验由普林斯顿大学的心理学家谢恩·弗雷德里克于2005年开发,评估你缓慢而理性地处理信息的能力,而不是匆忙得出结论。

rationally / ˈræʃnəli / adv.理性地

A 2005 study found that students attending some of the nation’s most prestigious(有声望的) universities (including Harvard and Yale) failed to get all three of these questions correct; only 17% received a perfect score.2005年的一项研究发现,美国一些最负盛名的大学(包括哈佛和耶鲁)的学生未能把这三个问题都答对;只有17%的人获得了满分。

perfect score 满分


1. A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?1.一个球棒和一个球一共要1.1美元,球棒比球贵1美元,这个球要多少钱?2. If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets(小部件), how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?2. 如果5台机器5分钟做5个小部件,那么100台机器做100个小部件需要多长时间?3. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads(睡莲叶). Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?3. 在一个湖里,有一片睡莲叶子。每一天,这片睡莲叶子的大小都会翻倍,如果说这片睡莲叶子需要48天才能覆盖整个湖面,那么这片睡莲叶子需要多长时间能覆盖半个湖面?Answers: 1. Five cents. If you guessed 10 cents, you’re not alone. However, if that were the case, the bat and ball would cost $1.20—not $1.10. On the other hand, a 5-cent ball and a bat priced at $1.05 (which is $1 more than 5 cents) would total $1.10.5美分。如果你猜成10美分,你并不孤单。然而,如果是这样的话,球棒和球的价格是1.2美元,而不是1.1美元。另一方面,一个5美分的球和一个标价为1.05美元的球棒(比5美分多1美元)总共是1.1美元。2. Five minutes. Although you might have answered 100 minutes, the actual time is less than that. Since the question reveals that it would take 5 minutes for 1 widget machine to make 1 widget, you can determine that it would also take 5 minutes for 100 widget machines to make 100 widgets.五分钟。虽然你可能回答了100分钟,但实际时间远少于这个数字。由于问题透露了1台小机器制作1个小部件需要5分钟,你可以确定,100台小机器制作100个小部件也需要5分钟。3. Forty-seven days. At first, your gut(直觉) might tell you it would take 24 days. But remember: Since the area of the lake covered in lily pads doubles every day, a patch that covers half the lake would fully cover it in just one additional day. Subtract(减去) one day from 48 days, and what do you get? 47 days.四十七天。开始,你的直觉可能会告诉你需要24天。但请记住:由于睡莲叶子覆盖的湖泊面积每天翻一番,覆盖一半湖泊的叶子将在一天内完全覆盖整片湖泊。从48天减去一天,你得到什么?47天。

additional adj.附加的,额外的


What months have 28 days?什么月份有28天?

This question aims to test the candidate's ability to listen closely to a question and avoid drawing the wrong conclusion. A candidate's first instinct may be to figure out the number of days in each month and then answer that only February has 28 days. The question didn't specify 28 as a limit of days in the month. It asked how many months include at least 28 days. All months of the year have at least 28 days.这个问题旨在测试候选人仔细倾听问题并避免得出错误结论的能力。候选人的第一反应可能是计算出每个月的天数,然后回答只有2月有28天。该问题没有指定28作为某月的天数限制。这个问题询问多少个月包括至少28天。一年中的所有月份都至少有28天。draw vt 得出;推断出draw a conclusion from sth 从某事中得出结论


Example answer: "All months of the year have 28 days, January to December."示例答案:“一年中的所有月份都有28天,一月到十二月。”

You need to enter a dark room and only have one match. What do you light first: an oil heater, an oil lamp or a candle?你要进入一间黑暗的房间,只有一根火柴。你先点燃什么:燃油加热器、油灯还是蜡烛?

This IQ question tests the candidate's ability to envision(预想) a series of events and the steps they require to take to accomplish a goal. With the goal of lighting the dark room in mind, the candidate may say that they would light the candle or the oil lamp. The first thing they need to light, in any situation, is the match, which you can then use to light the candle. The candle can then be used to light the oil lamp and heater.这个智商问题测试候选人设想一系列事件的能力,以及他们完成目标所需采取的步骤。考虑到点亮黑暗房间的目标,候选人可能会说他们会点燃蜡烛或油灯。在任何情况下,他们首先需要点燃的是火柴,然后你可以用火柴点燃蜡烛。然后蜡烛可以用来点燃油灯和燃油加热器。


Example answer: "I would light the match and then use it to light the candle."示例答案:“我会点燃火柴,然后用它点燃蜡烛。”

A red house is made of red bricks, and a blue house is made of blue bricks. What's a greenhouse made of?red house是红砖做的,blue house是蓝砖做的,greenhouse是什么做的?This question tests the candidate's general awareness and how prone(有做……倾向的) they are to come up with an answer to a question quickly and without analysis. Many candidates instantly answer that the greenhouse is made with green bricks, when in fact it's common knowledge that a greenhouse is made of glass. 这个问题测试了候选人的整体意识,以及他们在没有分析的情况下快速得出问题答案的可能性。许多候选人会立即回答温室是由绿色砖块建造的,而事实上,众所周知,温室是由greenhouse建造的。

common knowledge 常识,众所周知的事情


Example answer: "A greenhouse isn't usually made with any kind of bricks. It's made of glass, so the sun can get in."示例答案:“温室通常不是由任何类型的砖建造的。它是由玻璃制成的,所以太阳可以照进来。”

Assume you're driving the bus from New York to Boston. Fifteen people get on the bus in New York, and only one person gets off the bus when you reach your destination in Boston. What's the name of the bus driver?假设你正在驾驶从纽约到波士顿的公共汽车。15人在纽约上车,当你到达波士顿的目的地时,只有一个人下车。公共汽车司机叫什么名字?

This question assesses whether the candidate is a good listener and can pick up all details of a conversation. Asking to name the bus driver apparently makes no sense, but if the candidate remembers the entire question, they know the interviewer began by stating that the candidate is the driver. 这个问题评估候选人是否是一个好的倾听者,是否能听懂谈话的所有细节。要求说出公共汽车司机的名字显然没有意义,但是如果候选人记得整个问题,他们就知道面试官以陈述候选人是司机开始。


Example answer: "You initially mentioned that I am driving the bus, so the name of the driver is my name."示例答案:“你最初提到我在驾驶公共汽车,所以司机的名字就是我的名字。”

A house has only four walls and each of them face south. Each wall has its own window, and suddenly a bear enters the house through a window. What color is the bear?一所房子只有四面墙,每面墙都朝南,每面墙都有窗户,突然一只熊从窗户进入房子。熊是什么颜色的?

This question assesses the candidate's ability to make logical deductions(推论). Because all four walls of the house face south, the only location for the house is the exact North Pole, because the only direction you can look from the North Pole is south. And the only bears at the North Pole are polar bears, so the bear is definitely white.这个问题评估的是候选人进行逻辑推论的能力。因为房子的四面墙都朝南,所以房子的唯一位置就是确切的北极,因为你从北极能看到的唯一方向是南。而北极唯一的熊是北极熊,所以熊肯定是白色的。


Example answer: "If all four walls face south, it must mean that the house doesn't face any other direction. The only place it can do that is at the North Pole, so the bear is a white polar bear."示例答案:“如果四面墙都朝南,那一定意味着房子没有面向任何其他方向。唯一能做到这一点的地方是北极,所以熊是一只白色北极熊。”

How much is half of 2 + 2?2+2的一半是多少?

This question tests both the candidate's ability to perform basic math and properly understand directions. A rushed answer would be two, as half of 2 + 2 is half of four. Upon listening to the question carefully, you notice that the first operation is not 2 + 2, but calculating half of two. The second operation is then adding this half of two, which is one, to two.这个问题测试的是候选人的基础数学能力和正确理解方向的能力。很多人仓促回答2,因为2+2的一半是4的一半。仔细听这个问题,你会注意到第一个运算不是2+2,而是计算2的一半。第二个运算是将这一半的2,也就是1加到2。

operation n.(数学)运算


Example answer: "Half of 2 is 1, and 1 + 2 = 3. So the answer is 3."示例答案:“2的一半是1,1+2=3。所以答案是3。”

You're in a house that has two rooms, and there's no way to see from one room to the other. One room has three light switches, and the other room has three corresponding(相应的) light bulbs. You don't know which switch triggers which bulb and can only make a single trip between the two rooms. How do you find out?你在一个有两个房间的房子里,没有办法从一个房间看到另一个房间。一个房间有三个电灯开关,另一个房间有三个相应的灯泡。你不知道哪个开关触发哪个灯泡,你只能在两个房间之间通过一次。你怎么发现哪个灯泡对应哪个开关?

This question tests the candidate's ability to come up with a logical solution to a practical problem. The fact that a light bulb gets heated a few minutes after turning it on is common knowledge, so using this information can help you correlate(相互关联) the switches with the bulbs.这个问题测试候选人对实际问题提出逻辑解决方案的能力。灯泡在打开几分钟后变热的事实是常识,所以使用这些信息可以帮助你将开关与灯泡联系起来。


Example answer: "I would turn on one switch and leave it on for a few minutes. I would then turn it off, turn another one on and quickly get into the other room. The lit bulb connects to the second switch, which I left on. The warm bulb connects to the first switch because after turning it off, it stays warm for a few minutes. Finally, by logical deduction, the bulb that isn't warm or lit connects to the third switch."示例答案:“我会打开一个开关,让它开几分钟。然后我会关掉它,打开另一个,然后迅速进入另一个房间。点亮的灯泡连接到第二个开关,我让它亮着那个。发热的灯泡连接到第一个开关,因为关掉后,这个灯泡会的热度会停留几分钟。最后,通过逻辑推论,没有热度或不亮的灯泡连接第三个开关。”智商是与生俱来的,但后天的教育和培养也会对智商的发展有较大的影响。保持心情开朗,经常运动,不熬夜,不忍饥挨饿,智商会保持在良性发展状态。经常动脑筋,智商也会越来越高。如果不爱动脑,不仅智商可能会下降,年纪大了后还可能会得老年痴呆症哦。



\r\r\r\r\r \r\r 热身闯关开始:你的智商够用吗?\r\r\r\r 热身闯关开始:你的智商够用吗?\r\r



1.下面几个选项中,与其他几项不同类的一项是(  )。


A.羊驼  B.枫树  C.老鹰  D.青蛙


2.在下列分数中,选出与其他分数不同类的一项(  )。


A.5/7  B.5/9  C.5/15


3.男人→先生,女人→(  )。


A.青年  B.孩子  C.少女  D.姑娘  E.女士


4.面条→筷子,牛排→(  )。


A.碗  B.餐刀餐叉  C.烤箱  D.盘子


5.狗之于狗舍,正如人之于(  )。


A.牛棚  B.马车  C.房屋  D.农场


6.2,8,14,20,(  )。


7.下面四个字词是否可以组成一个正确的句子:在、路上、摩托车、驰骋。(  )


A.是  B.否


8.下面五个字词是否可以组成一个正确的句子:足球、的、用来、是、踢。(  )


A.是  B.否


9.动物学家与社会学家,正如动物与(  )。


A.人类  B.问题  C.社会  D.社会学


10.如果所有的男士都有大衣,那么年轻帅气的男士会有(  )。


A.更多的大衣  B.时髦的大衣  C.大衣  D.昂贵的大衣


11.1,3,2,4,6,5,7,(  )。


12.南之于西北,正如西之于(  )。


A.西北  B.东北  C.西南  D.东南


13.下面几个选项中,与其他几项不同类的一项是(  )。


A.水杯  B.酒盅  C.茶叶  D.盘子


14.9,7,8,6,7,5,(  )。


15.下面几个选项中,与其他几项不同类的一项是(  )。


A.书桌  B.茶几  C.电视  D.桌布






932,(  ),731






18.望子成龙的家长往往(  )苗助长。


A.揠  B.堰  C.偃




绿油油的菜田 (油菜) 苦菜花


歌颂祖国 (  ) 莺歌燕舞


20.下面几个选项中,与其他几项不同类的一项是(  )。


A.地板  B.壁橱  C.窗户  D.窗帘


21.1,8,27,(  )。




罄竹难书 (书法) 无法无天


作奸犯科 (  ) 教学相长




风(  )人






10,(  ),7.5


25.下面几个选项中,与其他几项不同类的一项是(  )。


A.斑马  B.军马  C.赛马  D.骏马  E.驸马




足(  )星




头部(  )震荡




65,37,17,(  )






83,(  ),65




C,F,I,D,H,L,E,J,(  )






1.B;2.C;3.E;4.B;5 C;6.26;7.A;8.A;9.A;10.C;11.9;12.B;13.C;14.6;15.D;16.38;17.B;18.A;19.颂歌;20.D;21.64;22.科学;23.雪;24.60;25.E;26.球;27.脑;28.5;29.36;30.O。















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