
「单词积累」hydrogen 牛津选必修3U2










Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.




oxygen/ˈɒksɪdʒən/n.氧,氧气(牛津必修3U1 人教必修3U4)

氧的英文名称来自法语,是由著名化学家拉瓦锡起的,前面的oxy来源于希腊语 oxus,酸,和后面是词根 gen,“生产”,这个单词字面意思就是“能生成酸的化学物质”。拉瓦锡认为氧是所有酸性物质都是含氧的,所以就用能够产生酸的化学物质来命名氧。

英语词根 aqua,aqu,aque,aqui = water 水

词根 aqua,aqu,aque,aqui = water 水 xinchi外语

词根来源于拉丁语 aqua 水,词根aqu,aque,aqui 是词根 aqua 的变体,它相应的希腊语词根为:hydr(o) 水。



1.aquatic [aqua 水 + -t- 连接词 + -ic (a.) 表示“…的” → 形容与水有关的 → ]


2.aquarium [aqua 水 + -arium (n.) 名词后缀,表场所,地点 → 有鱼有水的地方]

n. 水族馆,养鱼池

3.aqueduct [aqua 水 + -duc(t)- 引导 → 引导水的管道 → ]

n. 水道,引水槽,沟渠,导水管

4.aquiform [aqua 水 + -form (a.) 表示“有…形状的” → 有小桥流水状的→ ]

adj. 水状的

5.subaqueous [aqua 水 + sub- 下、-ous (a.) → 形容在水的下面的 → ]

adj. 水下的,水下形成的,用于水下的

6.aquiferous [aqua 水 + -fer- 带有、-ous (a.) 形容词后缀, 表示“多…的,如…的” → 好像带有许多水的 →]

adj. 带有水的,含水的

7.aquaculture [aqua 水 + cult 养殖 + -ure 名词后缀 →]


8.aquosity [aqu 水 + -osity 后缀]


9.aquifer [aqui 水 + fer 携带 →携带水的东西 →]


10.opaque [op- 不 + aque 水 →不像水一样透明]

adj. 不透明的;不透光的

11.subaqua [sub- 在下面 + aqua 水 →]


可乐老师 编辑。

转发词根 aqua,aqu,aque,aqui = water 水_英语笔记 http://www.ppbbu/en_cn_blog/94747---.html。


My email:ilikework_cz@126




矫论团 Skeptics, Order of Skeptics

那伽朱那团 Nagarjunites

萨曼尼耶 Shamaniyya


矫论英文的Skeptics指怀疑论或无神论,这里是指怀疑论。矫论团的NPC毕洛(Pyrrho)就是古希腊的皮浪,被认为是第一位古希腊怀疑论的哲学家,而且一般认为龙树菩萨的哲学思想和古希腊皮浪主义哲学家Sextus Empiricius的皮浪主义著作有不少相似之处(注:Sextus Empiricius的哲学著作是皮浪主义现存最完整的描述),也有学者认为尼采也采用了一些皮浪主义的观点,而有几个花灵相关的成就参考了尼采著作《查拉图斯特拉如是说》里的描述,






行、言、思可能参考了可能参考了佛教的三业“身口意”,祆教Humata, Hūxta, Huvarshta(good thoughts, good words, good deeds)的核心教义也类似不过祆教的一般说是善行善行善思。


anirodham anutpādam anucchedam aśāśvatam——不生不灭,不常不断


Shamaniyya. —The Buddhists are in Arabic called by this name, which is derived from a Prakritic form of Sanskrit śramaṇa (Strabo , Hieronymus Samanaei), and by the word i.e. the red-robed people (= raktapaṭa), which refers to the red-brown (= kâshâya) cloaks of the Buddhist monks.


注:以上含义复制自Rupa出版社的Alberuni’s India的21页注释。顺便一提Shamaniyya也可以指苏菲主义教团的一支不过应该无关。

纳苏勒阿 Nasuraia

In Mandaean scriptures, priests are formally referred to as Naṣuraiia (Classical Mandaic: ࡍࡀࡑࡅࡓࡀࡉࡉࡀ, lit. 'Naṣoraeans'), meaning guardians or possessors of secret rites and knowledge.


劳帕 Laupa

In Mandaeism, laufa or laupa (Classical Mandaic: ࡋࡀࡅࡐࡀ) is the concept of a spiritual connection forged between Tibil (Earth) and the World of Light. It has been variously translated as "communion," "spiritual union," "spiritual connection," or "vital connection."



识主 Vijnanapati

Vijñāna (Sanskrit: विज्ञान) or viññāṇa (Pali: विञ्ञाण) is translated as "consciousness," "life force," "mind," or "discernment."

Pati (Sanskrit: पति, ) is a title meaning "master" or "lord".



那先朱那 Nasejuna

看起来是那伽朱那 Nagarjuna的变体,暂不清楚具体含义,可能和说一切有部的那先有关。

【那先】梵名Nāgasena ,巴利名同。比丘名。那为那伽之略,象之梵语,先者先时也(Sena军也)。此人生时,有一大象,于同日生,故父母名之曰那先。生于佛灭后,应宿愿而出家,得阿罗汉果。那先前世有故旧,是亦应宿愿而为边小之国王,名弥兰陀。国王善问难,那先一一解答之。

阿亚德瓦 Āryadeva

圣天(梵语:आर्यदेव,Arya-deva),约公元3世纪印度大乘佛教人物,中观派龙树之徒。圣天又名阿利耶·提婆,“阿利耶”为“圣”、“高贵”之意,故藏传佛教译为圣天、圣提婆,因为他有一只眼睛失明,所以又被称为片目天(梵语:काणदेव ,Kāṇa-deva);被佛教徒尊称为提婆菩萨。


毕洛 Pyrrho

Pyrrho of Elis Ancient Greek: Πύρρων ὁ Ἠλεῖος; c. 360 – c. 270 BC), born in Elis, Greece, was a Greek philosopher of Classical antiquity, credited as being the first Greek skeptic philosopher and founder of Pyrrhonism.

A number of similarities have been noted between the Pyrrhonist works of Sextus Empiricius and that of Nagarjuna, the Madhyamaka Buddhist philosopher from the 2nd or 3rd century CE. Buddhist philosopher Jan Westerhoff says "many of Nāgārjuna's arguments concerning causation bear strong similarities to classical sceptical arguments as presented in the third book of Sextus Empiricus's Outlines of Pyrrhonism," and Thomas McEvilley suspects that Nagarjuna may have been influenced by Greek Pyrrhonist texts imported into India. McEvilley argues for mutual iteration in the Buddhist logico-epistemological traditions between Pyrrhonism and Madhyamika.

The Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna in particular has been seen as the founder of the Madhyamaka school, which has been in turn compared with Greek Skepticism. Nagarjuna's statement that he has "no thesis" (pratijña) has parallels in the statements of Sextus Empiricus of having "no position". Nagarjuna famously opens his magnum opus, the Mulamadhyamakakarika, with the statement that the Buddha claimed that true happiness was found through dispelling 'vain thinking' (prapañca, also "conceptual proliferation").


灵光 Khvarena

Khvarenah (also spelled khwarenah or xwarra(h): Avestan: xᵛarənah) is an Avestan word for a Zoroastrian concept literally denoting "glory" or "splendour" but understood as a divine mystical force or power projected upon and aiding the appointed. The neuter noun thus also connotes "(divine) royal glory", reflecting the perceived divine empowerment of kings. The term also carries a secondary meaning of "(good) fortune"; those who possess it are able to complete their mission or function.


这个词在游戏里出现过好几次,成就名《帕维兹拉万·赫瓦拉》(Parvezravan Khwarrah)的Khwarrah是Khvarena的中古波斯语形式,千壑沙地某个的元能尖碑上写着的XVARRA(Xwarrah)是另一种写法,解包看到翻译为荣光了。此外,这个词的现代波斯语形式是khurrah或farr,胡拉姆丁(Khorramdin)以及法罗赫(Farrokh)都是其衍生或组合形成的词不过游戏里应该无关。

甘露,甘露活水 Amrita

Amrita (Sanskrit: अमृत, IAST: amṛta), Amrit or Amata in Pali, (also called Sudha, Amiy, Ami) is a Sanskrit word that means "immortality". It is a central concept within Indian religions and is often referred to in ancient Indian texts as an elixir.


Amrita和阿维斯陀语里的aməša(一般用作六或七大天使Amesha Spenta)同源,同样指“不死”。



提什塔尔之花 Tishtrya

Tishtrya (Avestan: , romanized: Tištrya, Persian: تیر, romanized: Tir) or Roozahang is the Avestan language name of a Zoroastrian benevolent divinity associated with life-bringing rainfall and fertility. Tishtrya is Tir in Middle- and Modern Persian.




「焚真之天象」 The Sign of Apaosha

Apaosha (Apaoša, Apauša) is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demon of drought. He is the epitomized antithesis of Tishtrya, divinity of the star Sirius and guardian of rainfall.

For many decades, the Avestan common noun apaosha- "drought" was thought to derive from either *apa-uša- "burning away" or *apa-vṛt(a)- "stemming the waters."


「谒颂主」 Yasnapati

Yasna is the Avestan name of Zoroastrianism's principal act of worship. It is also the name of the primary liturgical collection of Avesta texts, recited during that yasna ceremony.


pati是“主”的意思,Yasna是祆教的主要敬拜仪式,指“敬神”或“祭祀”,同时也是《阿维斯陀》里主要的礼拜仪式集的名称,在Yasna 仪式上背诵,目的是维护Ahura Mazdā创造的美化宇宙完整性,抵御Angra Mainyu破坏性力量的攻击。

偈颂则是指婆罗门教、佛教等印度诸宗教使用的唱颂词或唱诵词,两者宗教不同而含义类似。原神把偈(jì)颂改为谒(yè)颂了。可能是根据Yasna的读音把偈(jì)颂改为谒(yè)颂了。可参考谒颂幽境英文是Yasna Monument。

【偈】有广狭二义,广义之偈,包括十二部教中之伽陀(梵Gāthā)与只夜(梵Geya),两者均为偈颂之体,然两者之意义互异:偈前无散文(长行),而直接以韵文记录之教说,称为孤起偈,即伽陀;偈前有散文,而尚以韵文重复其义者,称为重颂偈,即只夜。然诸经论中或有混用此二者之情形。狭义之偈则单指梵语之Gāthā 。音译伽陀。意译偈颂、颂、歌谣。为九部教之一,十二部经之一。此文体之语句,则称偈语。

西摩格 Simurgh

The simurgh; Persian: سیمرغ, also spelled simorgh, simorg, simurg, simoorg, simorq or simourv) is a benevolent, mythical bird in Persian mythology and literature. It is sometimes equated with other mythological birds such as the phoenix (Persian: ققنوس quqnūs) and the humā though it must be understood as a completely different mythological creature of its own.


1. 生活在Vourukasha(甘露花海和浮罗囿原型)里,每当它从万种母树(Harvisptokhm)上飞下来,树上就会长出一千根树枝; 每当它落在上面,就会折断一千条树枝,树枝的种子散落在地上。

2. 《百鸟朝凤》(The Conference of the Birds)里面的群鸟经历七个谷地的试炼,最后只有30只通过最后试验,他们发现自己就是一直追寻的 Simorgh(Si指三十,morgh指鸟),游戏里成就《七谷的试炼》和这有关。

3. 生活在厄尔布尔士山脉(Alborz)里,收养了拥有白化病的婴儿Zal。

祭水之仪 Ab-Zohr

zohr (MP) Libation, offering, consecrated water. Av. equivalent is 'zaothra'.

The Ab-Zohr (Avestan: , romanized: ap-zaoθra; Middle Persian: , romanized: ab-zohr, “offering of water,”) is the culminating rite of the greater Yasna service, the principal Zoroastrian act of worship that accompanies the recitation of the Yasna liturgy. The procedure is also called the parahaoma rite. The Haoma plant is the source for the essential ingredient for the parahaoma, the consecrated liquid that constitutes the offering.

Ab-Zohr是Yasna里提到的“祭水仪式”,直译是“提供水”,供品一般由干haoma树枝的髓和新鲜石榴叶的汁液以及牛奶混合而成,代表植物和动物,它们依赖水生存,因此象征性地回归水赋予它们的生命。ab-zohr的主要目的是“净化”那些水域,通过供品弥补了人类对水造成的损害。须罗蕈(Zohrah Mushroom)从英文名来看也可能参考了Ab-Zohr,不过取须罗蕈的过程中没看出和水有关,而且原神里把「须罗」解释为「迷醉梦中」但Ab-Zohr没这层含义。

离渡之仪 Rite of Chinvat

The Chinvat Bridge (Avestan: Cinvatô Peretûm, "bridge of judgement" or "beam-shaped bridge") or the Bridge of the Requiter in Zoroastrianism is the sifting bridge, which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. All souls must cross the bridge upon death. The bridge is guarded by two four-eyed dogs, described in the Videvdat (Vendidad) 13,9 as 'spâna pəšu.pâna' ("two bridge-guarding dogs").

参考了钦瓦特桥(Chinvat Bridge),这是祆教里连接现世与来世的桥梁。每个灵魂在死后都要穿过钦瓦特桥,在那里它会受到审判并在来世分配一个位置,有Daena作为引路者(类似Psychopomp),正直的灵魂被分配在名为House of Song的天堂,邪恶的灵魂被分配在名为House of Lies (druj-demana)的地狱,善行与恶行相当的被分配在两者之间的Hamistakan。

米希尔(Mihir)、拉沙鲁(Rashnu)、斯露莎(Sorush)这三个花灵对应的Mithra (Covenant), Rashnu (Justice), Sraosha (Conscience)是钦瓦特桥的三个守卫,专司亡灵的审判,钦瓦特桥(Chinvat Bridge)又称离渡桥,须弥雨林里的离渡谷英文用的就是Chinvat Ravine。


In Persian and Zoroastrian legends, Gaokerena or white Haoma is a tree whose vivacity ensures continued life in the universe, and grants immortality to "all who eat from it". The name Gaokerena means "ox horn" or "cow ear”.

游戏里是巨莲儿而现实里是white haoma,传说生活在Vourukasha(甘露花海原型)中间,字面意思是“牛角”或“牛耳”,它保证了宇宙中的生命延续,并赋予所有食用它的人永生。

俱利鼓 Korybantes,Kory Drums

俱利般地 Korybantes

According to Greek mythology, the Korybantes or Corybantes (also Corybants) (Greek: Κορύβαντες) were the armed and crested dancers who worshipped the Phrygian goddess Cybele with drumming and dancing. They are also called the Kurbantes in Phrygia.


受 Vedana、色 Rupa、想 Samjna、行 Sankhara、识 Vijnana


【五蕴】梵语Pañcaskandha,巴利语Pancakkhandha。又作五阴、五众、五聚。三科之一。蕴,乃积聚、类别之意。即类聚一切有为法之五种类别。(一)色蕴(梵rupa-skandha ),即一切色法之类聚。(二)受蕴(梵vedana-skandha ),苦、乐、舍、眼触等所生之诸受。(三)想蕴(梵samjna-skandha ),眼触等所生之诸想。(四)行蕴(梵samskara-skandha),除色、受、想、识外之一切有为法,亦即意志与心之作用。(五)识蕴(梵vijnana-skandha ),即眼识等诸识之各类聚。

「灵芯」 Farrwick


「慈心」 Spenta Hearts

Spenta is derived by many philologists from an Avestan/Sanskrit root spi/svi, meaning "to expand, swell, increase." Many, therefore, render it as "incremental." There are other scholars who prefer to derive it from spit/shvit, to be bright, to be white, and consequently connect it with holiness. The renderings by most of these scholars range between "beneficent, bounteous, bountiful, incremental, holy and virtuous."


(和慈心无关可忽略)Spenta在祆教主要用作Amesha Spenta、Speṇta Mainyu和Spenta Armaiti这几处,Amesha Spenta指Ahura Mazda创造的的六位或七位天使,六大天使就是六大教令院学院/学派的原型,七大天使则是在此基础上加上了Speṇta Mainyu,Speṇta Mainyu指Holy/Creative Spirit/Mentality,除了作为单独个体有时也看做Ahura Mazda的化身,Spenta Armaiti则是六大天使之一,指Holy Devotion,是原神里素论派的原型。

万种 Infinitum

1. the infinite; boundless space 2. an infinitude, a boundless number



甘霖地海 Mare Terrae


地中的香海 Somalata Inland Sea

Somalata ('Moon creeper') Cynanchum acidum, a leafless plant that grows in arid places in peninsular India. This plant is known as the somalata (“soma plant”) in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine.

Cynanchum acidum is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae, typically found in the arid parts of peninsular India where it is used in religious sacrifices. The plant is religiously linked to Hinduism and is believed to be a major ingredient of the Soma in Ancient India.

梵语,指肉珊瑚(Cynanchum acidum),经常被看作soma的原料。



花灵 Pari

In Persian mythology, peris (singular: peri; from Persian: پَری, romanized: parī) are exquisite, winged spirits renowned for their beauty. Peris were later adopted by other cultures.

The Persian word پَری parī comes from Middle Persian parīg, itself from Old Persian *parikā-. In Persian language, the word 'Par', means Wing.

米希尔(Mihir)、拉沙鲁(Rashnu)、斯露莎(Sorush)这三个花灵对应的Mithra (Covenant), Rashnu (Justice), Sraosha (Conscience)是钦瓦特桥的三个守卫,专司亡灵的审判,钦瓦特桥(Chinvat Bridge)又称离渡桥,从英文名来看是须弥雨林里的离渡谷(Chinvat Ravine)的原型。


贾利尔・杜斯特哈赫. 阿维斯塔[M]. 商务印书馆, 2011.

祖尔宛 Zurvan

Avestan ‎ (zruuān, “time”)

Zurvān, in ancient Iranian religion and Zoroastrianism, the god of time.

Zurvanism is a fatalistic religious movement of Zoroastrianism in which the divinity Zurvan is a first principle (primordial creator deity) who engendered equal-but-opposite twins, Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord) and Angra Mainyu (Evil Spirit).

Zorvanism (also given as Zuvanism, Zurvanism) was a sect of the Persian religion Zoroastrianism which emerged in the late Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) and flourished during the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE).

Zurvan是祆教异端祖尔万派的至高神,这个神起源有争议而且很多说法我感觉不是很可信就不说了,它是阿维斯陀语的时间的意思,是时间之神,产生了平等但相反的双胞胎Ahura Mazda(智慧主,祆教至高神)和Angra Mainyu(恶灵,祆教里至高神Mazda宿敌,一切罪恶和黑暗之源)。




The tree of all seeds (Harvisptokhm), which grows in the middle of the sea Vouru-kasha; the seeds of all plants are on it. There is a godlike bird, the Sinamru, sitting on that tree; whenever he flies off the tree, there grow out of it a thousand boughs; whenever he alights on it, there break a thousand boughs, the seeds of which are scattered about, and rained down on the earth by Tistar (Tistrya), the rain-god.

中古波斯语的harwisp有all的含义,波斯语的tokhm(تخم, toxm)有种子的含义。

万种母树(Harvisptokhm)是祆教传说中的一棵树,生长在Vourukasha(甘露花海和浮罗囿原型)中,树上含有世间所有植物的种子,Vourukasha还有着传说中的神鸟西摩格(Simurgh),每当它从树上飞下来,树上就会长出一千根树枝; 每当它落在上面,就会折断一千条树枝,树枝的种子散落在地上;Chamrosh鸟也在附近,它从树上收集被咬伤的种子散布在雨神蒂尔(Tir)取水的地方,雨神则通过雨将种子传播到世界各地,Vourukasha中间除了Harvisptokhm还有Gaokerena(伽乌迦那)。

「灵谷木」 Fravashi Tree

Also known as Arda Fravash ("Holy Guardian Angels"). Each person is accompanied by a guardian angel (Y26.4, 55.1), which acts as a guide throughout life. They originally patrolled the boundaries of the ramparts of heaven (Bd6.3, Zs5.2), but volunteer to descend to earth to stand by individuals to the end of their days. Ahura Mazda advises Zarathushtra to invoke them for help whenever he finds himself in danger (Yt13.19-20). If not for their guardianship, animals and people could not have continued to exist, because the wicked Druj would have destroyed them all (Yt13.12-13).

The Fravashi also serves as an ideal which the soul has to strive for and emulate, and ultimately becomes one with after death (Y16.7, 26.7, 26.11, 71.23, Yt22.39)

They manifest the energy of God, and preserve order in the creation. They are said to fly like winged birds, and are represented by a winged disk, often with a person superimposed.


《阿维斯陀》里第13篇亚什特法尔瓦尔丁·亚什特(Frawardin Yasht)就是献给Fravashi的,每个人都有Fravashi陪伴,作为一生的守护,除了人类、亚扎塔以及Ahura Mazda外,天空、水域、大地、植物、动物和善王国的一切事物都有它的 Fravashi(Yasht 13.74, 13.86)。

「净觉花」Sunyata Flowers

「净觉湖」Sunyata Lake

Śūnyatā (Sanskrit: शून्यता, romanized: śūnyatā; Pali: suññatā), translated most often as "emptiness", "vacuity", and sometimes "voidness", is an Indian philosophical concept.






「苦离果」Nirodha Fruit



In Buddhism, uḍumbara (Pali, Sanskrit) refers to the tree, flower and fruit of the Ficus racemosa (syn. Ficus glomerata). In Buddhist literature, this tree or its fruit may carry the connotation of rarity and parasitism. It is also mentioned in Vedic texts as the source of wood for rituals and amulets.


【优昙跋罗】梵uḍumbara,巴udumbara。树名。 属桑科,无花果的一种。雌雄同株的隐花植物,花为花托包住,所以看似无花。依其树叶又可区别二种,一种光滑,另一种粗糙,此两种乍看之下往往被视为不同种类。叶粗者从古印度的吠陀时代,一直被用作护摩木,即供牺式的薪木。佛典所说的优昙华,则是每三千年开一次花的想象植物,据说此花开时,将有金轮王或佛出现,而金轮王或佛出现时,此花必开。诸经之中,是用于譬喻佛出世的难值。


「明芸花」 Ruebright Bloom

Rue这里应该指芸香(学名:Ruta graveolens),此外Rue还可以指芸香属(学名:Ruta)或芸香科(学名:Rutaceae)。

悼灵花 Mourning Flower

可能参考了花贝母(学名:Fritillaria imperialis),形状和内涵都很类似。花贝母颠倒的花朵被归因于在悲伤中低下了头,以表达对死者的悲痛,底部的花蜜则被描述为哀悼死者流下的眼泪,花贝母还和Siyâvash的死联系起来,因此还有Ashk-e Sivash ('Tear of Siyâvash’)的名称。


In Iranian folklore the nodding flowers are described (in comparison with the upright flowers of tulips) as being 'upside-down', this curious posture being attributed to the plant's bowing its (originally upright) 'head' in sorrow upon the death of a mythological or religious personage. Likewise, the glistening drops of nectar at the base of each flower are described as the tears which the plant weeps in mourning the departed. F. imperialis is linked to the legend of the tragic death of Siyâvash, (a semi-divine hero in Ferdowsi's prodigious national epic Shahnameh) - whence the common name Ashk-e Sivash ('Tear of Siyâvash').


善恶的赫瓦雷纳 Khvarena of Morality


蒂尔·亚什特的赞歌 The Hymn of Tir Yazad

Yazata (Avestan: ) is the Avestan word for a Zoroastrian concept with a wide range of meanings but generally signifying (or used as an epithet of) a divinity. The term literally means "worthy of worship or veneration". In Middle Persian the term became yazad or yazd (‎).

蒂尔·亚什特其实是指《阿维斯陀》里的第8篇亚什特(Yasht),英文是Tishtar (Tir) Yasht,赞歌和亚什特的含义其实重复了,我觉得这样的用法很不好,哪有”赞歌的赞歌“这样的。



苦 Dukkha、集 Samudaya、灭 Nirodha





锋刃林游增记 Asipattravana Itihasa

Itihasa (Sanskrit: इतिहास, lit. 'traditional accounts of past events') refers to the collection of written descriptions of important events in Hinduism.






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